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Eight Witches Hanged!

Could your neighbor be one too?
Today, eight people found guilty of witchcraft were hanged. Among those were Martha Corey and Goody Osborne. These witches would never have been caught if it weren't for the victims who were brave enough to testify in court. We managed to speak with one of these victims today. "It's really hard work, they keep you in the courtroom all day with these absolutely horrid people. They[the witches] try to come at you with their spirits, to shut you up before you can say anything about them. Especially a few days before the trials, some of them see the future. They try to come at you through the window at night, it's been nothing but nightmares these last few nights."

In an interview with Judge Hathorne, he stated that convicted witches were spared the noose if they would name other witches. "All the witches know each other through the devil. By having them name others, it really speeds up the process and makes our work easier." As reports of witchcraft have spread, it has become clear that no one can be trusted, and that anyone can be a witch. It is advised to stay indoors and keep your windows closed to prevent witches from sending their spirits to harm you. This is a time of hardship for everyone in Salem and we all must be diligent and alert. The court urges everyone to report any signs and suspicions of witchcraft as quickly as possible.

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Unrest In Andover!

Court fears Salem could be next
In Andover, the court has been overthrown in a riot. Like Salem, Andover was experiencing a problem with widespread witchcraft. However, a mob of people, possibly under the influence of witchcraft, chose to rise up and overthrow the court. Reports from Andover state that there was already mild unrest before the riots, and that people were suspicious of the validity of the trials. To clear up much of the confusion around the trials, Deputy Governer Danforth accepted our offer for an interview. "We have no reason to believe the victims are lying," asserted Danforth, "they are only children, and to have 20 of them lying the same lie? It's just not feasible for them." Still, there are rumors that a riot may be inevitable in Salem. "It's a tough fight, and the witches will do everything they can to stop us, but I am certain the court will come out triumphant as god is on our side." The court has also stated that anyone with the intent of rioting will be suspected of witchcraft and put on trial.

Parris under suspicion

Saint or sinner?
Reverend Parris has come under scrutiny as rumors of a lavish lifestyle have surfaced. Many people in Salem have voiced their discontent with his actions. The golden candlesticks on the altar of the chapel have become a major point of discussion. Parris argues that the candlesticks are to show god Salem's devotion, however many people don't see it that way. Many churchgoers believe that the candlesticks are not necessary for worship and serve no purpose other than for the reverend's personal preferences. Some have even brought up rumors that Parris has been embezzling the church's. Parris has vehemently denied these allegations calling the accusers "heretics" and their claims "a load of folderol and balderdash".

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